

Stop the Shot DC USDC litigation – YouTube Lawyers' Report

December 10, 2009
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Latest News On Swine Flu

December 3, 2009

Most cases believed to be H1N1 are actually the common cold or another flu-like bug “Swine flu is dying. Flu deaths and hospitalizations have declined…

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H1N1 Facts: 80% of Flu-Like Symptoms Tested Are Not Swine Flu

December 1, 2009

The below statistic from the CDC is most likely rather low – in some reports over 95% of people suffering from influenza like illnesses (ILI) did…

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Having Swine Flu But Not Being Sick

November 29, 2009

Thousands of children may have had swine flu without even knowing it, scientists claimed yesterday. This headline reveals what most scientists (and a few smart…

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome And Vaccinations

November 29, 2009

This is a revealing statement.  In addition to vaccines, dental issues can also create toxins. Tedd   Dr. Klimas responds: Over the years I have…

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Superstar CBS Reporter Blows the Lid Off the Swine Flu Media Hype and Hysteria

November 24, 2009

According to a prime time CBS reporter;  “The vast majority of diagnosed Swine Flu cases were not Swine Flu at all.”  Listen to the 10…

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More Koren Specific Technique in the News

November 24, 2009

More Koren Specific Technique in the news

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CDC Reluctantly Concedes It Sees Declines In Swine Flu

November 24, 2009

CDC reluctantly concedes it sees declines in swine flu: Let’s face it, we were unnecessarily scared and then ripped off.

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Koren Specific Technique (KST) In The News!

November 20, 2009

Ignore Jim Gardner at the end, he is obviously in need of a major KST adjustment by Dr. Koren. Though we have no evidence that…

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Six Transported To Hospital After Getting Swine Flu Vaccine

November 19, 2009

Here’s an interesting news article.  Health officials are poo-pooing the incident but I guarantee you there will be no follow up of any of the…

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Chiropractic: Bringing Out The Best In You! 10th Edition


Increase retention and referrals by educating your patients – they’ll value your care, stay in care and refer others! We’ve…

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Myth Busting Reports – Value Pricing Set

$120.00 $100.00

We do the research. You teach your patients. When you are asked about these hot topics, you’ll have ready answers…

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