

Tedd Koren’s Free May 2013 newsletter

May 14, 2013

 It is dangerous to be right when the government is wrong. – Voltaire, French author, humanist, rationalist, & satirist (1694 – 1778)   Quackbuster in training?…

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CDC Autism and Vaccines Study

April 3, 2013

CDC Autism and Vaccines Study   Or “There’s nothing to be concerned with –everyone go back to sleep”  Tedd Koren, DC   There’s a reason a…

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Having the flu is good for you – Flu Facts

November 4, 2010

Having the flu is good for you   For thousands of years healers have viewed acute illness such as cold, flu and fever a powerful…

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Painless Vaccination Patch

August 11, 2010

Check it out, vaccines are going to be pain-free with this new painless vaccination patch delivered to your door: Painless vaccination needles It’s just a…

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Endangered Sharks Being Slaughtered To Produce Swine Flu Vaccine

December 30, 2009

National Geographic is reporting that endagered sharks are being harvested at an alarming rate to make squalene, which is an adjuvant for the vaccines.  Think about it:…

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Former head of CDC lands lucrative job as president of Merck vaccine division

December 29, 2009

(NaturalNews) You’ve heard it before, how the pharmaceutical industry has a giant “revolving door” through which corporations and government agencies frequently exchange key employees. That…

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Joke Of The Day: WHO Chief Yet To Be Vaccinated Against Swine Flu

December 29, 2009

Amazingly, the top boss of WHO has yet to be vaccinated against the world ending epidemic swine flu. But surely she is in terrible imminent danger like…

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Swine Flu Drastically More Mild Than Predicted

December 15, 2009

In a recently released report: According to these researchers (which include scientists from Harvard, the UK Medical Research Council and the Centers for Disease Control…

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People of Hawaii Pass Resolution Against Forced Vaccination Laws

December 14, 2009

Hawaii H1N1 Resolution Advances Vaccination Exemptions Favoring Americans’ Growing Demand for Health Freedoms: Hilo, HI–Department of Health officials in Hawaii were overruled by County of…

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Shock! Experts Predict Flu Pandemic Could Be Mildest On Record

December 10, 2009

Wow. After all the press experts actually predict flu pandemic could be mildest on record!  – With the second wave of H1N1 infections having…

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Chiropractic: Bringing Out The Best In You! 10th Edition


Increase retention and referrals by educating your patients – they’ll value your care, stay in care and refer others! We’ve…

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Myth Busting Reports – Value Pricing Set

$120.00 $100.00

We do the research. You teach your patients. When you are asked about these hot topics, you’ll have ready answers…

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